
Tuesday, August 16, 2022


It’s so bizarre to think Lilly, as she is so photogenic, hates getting her picture taken! I’ve used her in a number of shots with adding scripture or quotes, and I have to laugh she reminds me of my gram. I have a number of photos of my grandmother that was always hiding behind curtains, or with arms covering her face, or her face in her hands whenever a camera would appear. Much like Lilly though she does the same seeing a phone. Gram so did not like to get her picture taken - unless she was all cleaned up and posing. I remember there were times when my brother and I would have to clean up when she planned on taking our picture. We always had to look off into the distance or towards the sun and so many of our shots growing up with our eyes were squinting or with our arms trying to shade our eyes from the sun or both! ha ha

Anyway, I haven’t posted on here for quite some time for little if anything is going on in the Lily and or pet department. So, today I thought I would share what I shared with some of my friends. I hope everyone who reads this is blessed and encouraged knowing there is a God that loves you and our pets. 

My old dog Lilly is actually closer to 13 now. She had a really bad bout and has been holding on. In the photo she's looking off in a distance she also looks alone. She is not alone. She’ll get encouragement until we say goodbye. Many of us are feeling lonely. But we are not alone. The Bible tells us to encourage one another and not neglect meeting together. Some people need more encouragement than others. This morning, bear with me I know this is long, I was thinking of how some people at church go to everything and others who don't. Some need to go to everything there's encouragement, it keeps them on task, it keeps their focus on the Lord, at least helps keep their focus on the Lord during times of trouble. I'm not saying that's the only reason people go to everything or just on Sundays. But as the scripture verse says as time is drawing near. We do see things that are unsettling in this world and our focus needs to be on the Lord. So, let us encourage one another. Let's lift up our voices to the Lord and take a step of faith! For those that are feeling lonely every morning it's a choice and throughout the day we choose. Let's choose life in the Lord. 

She dealt with it ~ 🐾

Friday, December 25, 2020

Lilly Girl ~ Says Merry Christmas 2020

Eleven years old earlier this December! She is a good doggie still very much the same though moving a little slower.  Hope everyone has a blessed New Year!

Below thought I'd post two doggies that are very missed by me ~

Our Rosie and Miki [Me -kee] the Jack Russell Christmas many years ago - neither liked the antlers!

I Just Don't Like It!

Your Kidding Me, Right?

Not Amused!

Breaking out!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

What Was Once ~

I didn't realize all the time that has pasted since I posted last.  So much has happened since then in my family both good and bad as with many of you that maybe reading this.  I'm sure you have seen the fires blazing in Australia by now - how my heart breaks seeing the devastation in what was once a beautiful land.
When I was thinking of a post to share over the past couple days, my thoughts came to this after I changed the background on my phone.  While looking for a photo to use I came across those below taken September of 2016.  It was the last time my husband got to get up to "our mountain" and enjoy God's beautiful creation; just one of many landscapes there are.

The whole mountain was full of so many beautiful spots this was just one you could pull over just off the road that we enjoyed many times and so did Lilly.  Many people went there to sit and reflect, have lunch with a friend, get out of the "bustle" lol and destress.  Many of the photo's I've taken over the years were on this mountain (many posted on my blog) just don't do justice to what your eyes see and how it makes you feel.

As I look at the few, I'm sharing I'm sad this spot is no longer there.  On June 7, 2017, after lightening had stuck fires claimed over 48,435 acres making this the largest fire in Arizona history, (I'm hoping I got it right). Prior to that in 2004 the beloved mountain lost over 30,000 acres.  We also have species only known to this area.  Being that this is a smaller community it was very devastating to all of us that had to watch it burn.

This area was in a small canyon full of rock and boulders, water came down through the creek over the rocks and continued down watering riparian areas towards the bottom.  It narrowed up to the top over the trees you can see of this little canyon.  It was important.  After the fire you will not see anything of what you see in the photo's it is all rock and boulders and there is no water that is following from rain or snow to replenish the riparian area below.

My heart goes out to those that are suffering a great loss, we as a small community have tasted to a smaller degree with heartfelt sadness.  So many emotions get wrapped up into what you witness and when you can't seem to help or stop it from happening many experience anguish and fear, anger can set in.   We live in a world that is full of uncertainty the fires that burn whether it be from natural, manmade or from an evil intent we cant say or know when our lives will be shaken to such a degree that we feel hopeless.  This is a sad reminder of all uncertainties that we can face in this world.  

I've heard it said it will take decades for the bushland to heal.  When reading on our fire the reporter wrote this,  "The cycle of renewal happens roughly every five to 25 years and in the end leaves a more beautiful forest for all of us to enjoy."   David Capo  August 10, 2017 

So I'm praying lifting up those that are suffering from this loss.  Do not let your hearts be troubled. John 14:1  I know from the many things I've experienced my hope is placed in God not in the world.  He has never disappointed me and though I walk through the various trails in this life He strengthens me.  My healing always starts from within through Him.  He alone is my hope.  Healing always comes even with one day at a time. 

God’s Highway


My feet are strong, my eyes are clear
I cannot see the way from here
But on we go, He knows the way
And in His arms, He keeps me safe.

Fear not, keep on, watch and pray
Walk in the light of God’s highway

The shadows flee, The valley is deep
But evil cannot conquer me
Your rod and staff, They protect me
You give me rest, You give me peace


I see the shore, from troubled seas
This tiny ship that carries me
It is not yet, But it will be
So heaven come, It’s you we need


I’m holding onto you, Lord
You’re holding onto me…
I’m holding onto you, Love
You’re holding onto me…


Thad Cockrell, Greg LaFollette, Brooke Murphy, Brian Murphy, Jay Foote, Kenny Meeks, Spencer Cohen – guest vocals, Tyler Burkum – electric guitar